Despite its tumultuous launch on the PC, MW2 and its Resurgence expansion are still two of the top selling games on Steam. While accidentally banning thousands of players from one of the most popular online shooters is a good way to anger players, at least Valve was able to own up to the error and offer up some sort of compensation. To join the game click on the PPM to the person who put a server and select Join Gam MW2 VAC BAN I got VAC banned from mw2 a while ago i was wondering if this would affect me when i play any other type of games or call of duty games. Choose a private match (set the game mode) and enter the game.
In addition, we have given you a free copy of Left 4 Dead 2 to give as a gift on Steam, plus a free copy for yourself if you didn't already own the game." Go to Steam and run Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 SP 5. "We have reversed the ban, restoring your access to the game. Steam allows us to manage and reverse these erroneous bans (about 12,000 erroneous bans over two weeks). "This was caused by a combination of conditions occurring while Steam was updating the disk image of a game. This will set your fov automatically as soon as you walk in each. Optionally, if you don’t want to have to remember to press M to set your FOV, locate the line ‘bind W '+forward'‘ and change it to: bind W '+forward cgfov 90'. You can also change '90' to whatever FOV you prefer.

"The problem was that Steam would fail a signature check between the disk version of a DLL and a latent memory version," Valve President Gabe Newell wrote in a personal email to those affected. Once ingame press M to increase your FOV.
In fact, the Steam ban hammer is coming down on about 2,500 confirmed MW2 cheaters on PC today. Activision never released a console version of the game in Russia. Infinity Wards Robert Bowling tweets a warning to those cheating in the PC edition of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 that the banhammer is about to fall: Top men are on it. Valve has owned up to the error and, as a way of making amends, is giving those who were banned a free copy of Left 4 Dead 2. thief21 writes 'After claims that console versions Modern Warfare 2 had been recalled in Russia due to complaints from politicians and the gaming public over the infamous airport slaughter scene, it turns out the stories were completely untrue. A recent glitch caused 12,000 Modern Warfare 2 players on Steam to be banned for no apparent reason.